
Media is Dead. Long Live Media!

The opinion in this article (also see link, below) is so obvious to me as to cause me to think, “Why even write about it?!”

Who uses Yellow Pages anymore? Who watches commercial-laden TV at air time anymore? Who listens to ad-supported radio instead of iTunes Radio or Spotify? Who reads direct mail flyers?

And yet, in fact, some people do prefer paper books over Kindles. And some people savour the century-old tradition of lingering over the Saturday paper with a cup of coffee. And somebody must be giving donations as a result of a direct mailer in their mailbox: charities wouldn’t waste money on the service if it did them no good!

I propose that digital media are quickly becoming the fundamental channels of communications, marketing, and public discourse. But humans have an immense appetite for variety. Digital media are no more a fad than pencil-and-paper, and pencil-and-paper is still an amazing medium.

What say you? Why I Say Digital First

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