Instructions on how to make an ebook from a document on your computer (Word, PDF) so you can read it on your iPad, Kindle, or other e-reader. Includes a 10-minute video with lots of detail, and a bare-bones text list for easy reference.
HOW-TO: Turn a document into a ebook (EPUB) for iPad, Kindle, etc. [Video]
HOW-TO: Photo Gallery using Cincopa, WordPress, iPhone, AutoStitch…
HOW-TO: Make a web-based photo gallery using Cincopa and WordPress, with a bonus: how to create panorama photos using just an iPhone and the AutoStitch App!
Facebook’s search results are very strange
With the advent of the new Community Pages, unofficial organization pages that are automatically created by Facebook from information it pulls from Wikipedia and from Facebook users’ content, also comes a change in the effectiveness of Facebook Search. Official pages are either completely obscured, or are at least downgraded from the top of the results list, in favour of Community Pages.
Eye-Catching Juxtaposition
Sometimes the way to make a display ad noticeable has less to do with the ad itself, and not even its absolute placement in the newspaper. Sometimes, making a display ad noticeable can be achieved by its relative position next to a dramatically different or contrary message! Here’s an example…
Website Redesign Tips from Mike Volpe at Hubspot
Website Redesign Tips from Mike Volpe at Hubspot — My Twitterfeed of his online webinar collected and posted into a blog format.