
HOW-TO: Quickly add a file to your Kindle iOS App

Kindle iOS App iconSay you are working on the ebook of your dreams, and your agent sends you a draft copy of your work-in-progress so you can see what it looks like on your iPad. There are several methods for getting it into your Kindle App, but if you need to access your new .mobi (Kindle format) file quickly and don’t have your computer handy and/or don’t know your Send-To-Kindle email address(es) yet, here’s an easy way to get reading, pronto!

  1.  Email the file to your own email account.
  2. Open the email on the iOS device of your choice, e.g. iPad.
  3. Press and hold on the icon for the .mobi file you just emailed to yourself, and don’t let go until a pop-up window opens up.
  4. That pop-up window will give you a selection of apps that could probably read your .mobi file; tap on the Kindle Reader for iPad app icon.
  5. Wait a few moments: your iPad needs to think about this for a moment, maybe half a minute or so…
  6. Suddenly your email app will fade to the background and your Kindle app will automatically open, with the new file open and ready for you to read.

NOTE: This does not add your .mobi file to your Kindle Account, so you will need to repeat this process on another iOS device (e.g. iPhone) if you want to read it on that one, too. And it doesn’t send it to your Kindle device. Still, this is a quick-and-easy way to get reading right away, wherever you are!

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